1. Design System
  2. Visual Identity
  3. Our logo

Our logo New


This is our logo. It should appear in Oxford Brookes Charcoal, reversed out in white or black for black and white material.

Oxford Brookes University logo

Exclusion zone

A minimum distance has been allowed between the logo and other graphic elements, such as typography and margins.

The logo must not be reproduced smaller than 7mm high.

Logo exclusion zone

Brookes in Swindon

This is the ‘Brookes In Swindon’ logo. When used it should appear in Brookes charcoal (Pantone 432) or white.

It may also be used in Brookes lime on merchandise and stationery, and in black for black and white material.

Stacked version

Brookes In Swindon stacked logo

Linear version

Brookes In Swindon linear logo

Brookes in Swindon exclusion zone

A minimum distance has been allowed between the logo and other graphic elements, such as typography and margins.

The stacked logo must not be reproduced smaller than 12mm high.

The linear logo must not be reproduced smaller than 7mm high.

Stacked version

Brookes In Swindon stacked logo exclusion zone

Linear version

Brookes In Swindon linear logo exclusion zone